Sunday, October 14, 2018

User Strategy: Start focusing on Quality rather than Quantity

This is also the subject of a discussion by  Daphna Gal  , Senior Partner Development Manager from  AppsFlyer,  during a public workshop called "User Lifetime Value" by  Adsota.  and  AppotaX co-hosted. With a view on user-level strategy: "Quality over Quantity," Daphna has shared AppsFlyer's successful Case studies, and demonstrates the effectiveness of focusing on user quality rather than quantity. marketing strategy for the application.

Why should you care about the quality of the user?

For freemium-based applications, the ROI of the app will depend entirely on the quality of the user who installed the app. Qualified users will make in-app purchase or time to view in-app ads. These are the objects that deliver value and are able to drive the ROI of the application.
In addition, the cost of acquiring a new user is often several times higher than the cost of maintaining and maintaining existing users. While high-quality users are capable of delivering value and profitability to the application, poor quality users do nothing but spend marketing dollars to collect them.

How can you target quality users?

One way to find high quality users is through targeting similar audiences. Mobile app marketers can take advantage of historical data and learn from previous campaigns to develop insight. Combined with information from other relevant users, these insights can be used to predict the behavior and preferences of users. An application marketer can use these predictions to target objects that are similar to their existing high-quality user set, or more specifically to users with a longer stickiness. Long as well as in-app purchases.
In addition, app marketers can also use these insights to determine how to impact users effectively, specifically which ad formats to use or which means to place ads. fox.


As the mobile app industry is booming, mobile app marketers are slowly changing their minds from focusing on the number of users to paying attention to the quality of user apps. . If you are still walking the old path, now is the time to change your strategy and target "quality users" - those who are truly capable of delivering value for money. Your application.

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