Sunday, October 14, 2018

How to use artificial intelligence in retail?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is entering the field, bringing about important changes in people's daily lives. In particular, the online retail industry is also turning strong by adopting new features based on this new technology platform.
2017 can be considered the throne of AI based image search technology. While big companies such as Google and eBay have introduced their own image search engines. Image recognition tools will help brands to capture feedback on the customer experience to make appropriate adjustments to the price, style ... of the goods.
Market research firm Gartner predicts that by 2020, 85% of online-customer interaction will be via chatbots. Online NLP-enabled voice shopping assistive devices such as Amazon's Echo Smartphone or Google Home will change the way consumers interact with e-commerce sites by It allows them to search and purchase goods with voice commands. Gartner forecasts that by 2020, sales of intelligent integrated voice assistant virtual speakers will reach $ 2.1 billion.

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