Monday, October 15, 2018

How to get motivated even when you are not inspired

Perhaps everyone knows how hard it is to maintain motivation ...
Whatever the field, there are days when we do not want to show, there are always exercises we do not want to start, or reports we do not want to write. There will be responsibilities that we do not want to carry, there will be days so bad that all of your energy and emotions are falling at the bottom.
That vibration is a part of life, and everyone faces the same challenges. Against the days of depression, I developed a method that I will now share with you to help people stay motivated even when they are not happy.

Can baseball teach you anything about motivation?

I've been playing baseball for 17 years, mostly in pitching positions. In the final season, I was selected for the best team, honored to receive the male athlete of the university.
However, it's not always easy.
Just a few years ago, in the team from high school, I was the only one eliminated. After that, I had to play for the second team for the rest of my life, until I got back to the squad thanks to good practice.
There are dozens of reasons that explain the difference between high school and college (teammates, coaches, philosophers, etc.), but one thing I did in college was that I wished can know it sooner.
I figured out how to get started that would help me play well later, regardless of motivation.

How can startup motivate me?

One thing that makes baseball different from other sports is the number of matches. In Major League Baseball, each team plays 162 games per season, more than twice the NBA or several times the NFL. Even high school teams play 40-60 games a year.
With such dense density, there will always be days when your body is tired, or your mind is not looking forward to the game. For that reason, I say baseball is very similar to life, when things are important to me become a burden.
Whether you want to play or not, the game is still going on, so you need to find a way to overcome that frustration. With my own boot method, I always escape from fear to overcome myself in the competition.
This process takes about 20-25 minutes, and before the game I do the same.
The warm-up does not only help me warm up my body, but more importantly, it also puts me in the best mental state to play. Even before I was not excited, after the warm-up, I was ready for the match.
Watch the experts in every field, you will see they have their own habits. An NBA athlete always makes the same gesture when throwing a penalty, a comedian always saying the same things every time he goes on stage. Or a morning project always performs a meeting before the start of a working day.
Do you think those people always feel motivated? Never. There will always be days when outstanding talents become lazy. However, they know how to "start up habits" to put them in the best condition.
Think about whether you have a habit that can help you put yourself in the "work mode" or "practice mode", regardless of the motive from the beginning. Then you can use it to overcome all the barriers to stagnation and start studying, working, etc.
Below I will describe how to create such a habit.

3 steps help to create the habit of motivating

Step 1:  Create a simple startup, so you can not say no. You do not need inspiration to start this step. Eg:
  • My writing habit always starts with getting a glass of water. A simple job, I can not say no.
  • My weight lifting routine started with the weight of my weightlifting shoes. A simple job, I can not say no.
  • My practice of throwing balls started with picking up the ball and my gloves to catch the ball. A simple job, I can not say no. (Of course, my coach will also shout if I do not do this)
The most important part of each task is to start it. If you do not feel inspired right from the start, you should know that excitement usually comes after you start working. That is why your boot screen must be extremely easy to get started.
For example, you can create an exercise routine by starting it by filling it with water. In this way, when you do not want to practice, you can say to yourself, "Just pour water into a bottle!" Your only goal is to get started and continue from that starting point.
Step 2: Your  habits need to lead you towards your final destination.
In most cases, building habits should include work that requires physical activity. It's hard to imagine that you can get motivation from movement.
And here's why ...
What manifestations of the body appear when you feel lack of motivation or lack of energy?
A:  You do not have much movement. The action you do is just like a drop of water slowly rolling around, gradually into the grass. The lack of physical activity directly affects the brain's lack of energy.
And the opposite is true. If your body is motivated and kept busy, you will feel your mind is moving and full of energy. For example, in dancing, the mind can not feel the vibration, consciousness and full of energy when the body moves.
While the beginning of the routine should be as simple as possible, this schedule should be gradually shifted to physical activity. Your brain and mind automatically roll on these physical activities.
Note:  Physical activity is not compulsory. For example, if the goal is to write, your routine should direct you toward the physical activity of writing.
Step 3:  You need to follow a certain pattern for every implementation
The primary goal of setting up a boot routine is to create a series of events that you always do before doing any work. This warm-up routine reminds you that "This is what happened before me ..."
After all, this habit will be closely linked to the performance of your work. By starting the boot, you remind your mind that this is the prelude to the work to be done. Then, what you need is not the motivation but the beginning of your habits.
A bootstrap is essentially just a reminder for yourself. Getting on a familiar job plays the same role as a push for starting your work schedule even if you are less interested in doing it.
Formation habits are very important, because once you feel lost, the work that needs to be done becomes overloaded and you can not decide what to do next. When faced with another decision, you will tend to choose to give up. However, the implementation of the startup can solve this problem because it helps you determine exactly what you need to do next without fighting or making a choice.
What you need to do is just follow a set schedule.
If you only work when you are inspired, you will never be consistent enough to be an expert. But if you can build your own small habits and schedules to help you overcome your daily struggles, then you can gradually go on the journey to greatness even when it becomes extremely harsh.

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