Sunday, October 14, 2018

From the passion to ... a developer!

The Future of Programming Jobs

In the past four years, the number of IT jobs has increased sharply. The demand for IT recruitment has increased steadily over the years. In particular, 2016 will increase by 45% over the same period of 2012, and it is projected that by 2018, the market for IT recruitment will need 350,000 programmers, which is 20 times more than in 2016. We only meet about 200 000 programmers, equivalent to the market is missing about 150 000 programmers. However, many experts say that this is only a short-term shortage.
Along with leading the way in the world of technology, Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Docker, cloud computing and cybersecurity are all trends that programmers are aiming for. These technologies help optimize the existing products of the business.

Anyone can approach programming

Programming will probably be the ticket to help you become a global citizen.
It is easy to see that hardware technology changes at a rapid rate, while technologies or programming languages ​​have hardly changed over the years.
Recently, large technology companies want to build their own advantage by building their own language. But do not worry, if you know the PHP language, you basically know the Facebook hacking language, or if you know C ++, it's not hard to learn Apple's Swift language.
About 10 years ago, when it was said that English is a skill that brings great advantages to integration, it becomes a basic skill if you want to have a good job. At the present time and in the near future, if you know some programming languages, that would be a huge competitive advantage to be able to work anywhere in the world.
Wherever you work, programmers use the same programming language, so the future programming language can replace the role of foreign languages ​​as English to become an international language.

So programming is the destination?

Before you enter the life of a programmer you should ask yourself the following questions: How long will a person need to learn programming? Only four years of college? Or three years plus 3 years plus four years (seven years)? Or three months after completing the online course "Fast Android Programming, Make a Thousand Dollars"? Or simply 21 days (finished reading "Java Programming in 21 days")? With programming never "enough"!  You come to the programmer for making money ?, because you want to devote to society ?, etc. abcxyz something =))) However, come to programming with passion because  "passion is the key to success"

Passion is the key to success

I like to say: "  ... to pursue IT industry in particular and any industry in general, the most important is still passion. No passion but work because rice rice money is not "happy," and when not happy, then at some point will feel bored. Only pursuit of passion, the new work is durable ... "
Did you know: "The opportunity to succeed in pursuit of passion will be 488 times higher than the pursuit of money"
Programming is not an easy job. Programmers need creativity and logical thinking. It can be said that logical thinking is the most important thing in programming. You have to be nimble, flexible and highly judgmental to solve a radical problem by logic. So, if you do not have the ability to reason in logic then surely a programming thing is not right for you. You will feel bored and headache when chasing program code, debugging issues, errors, dots, commas ...
Keep in mind, besides creative and logical ability, you need teamwork and independence skills. This is the factor that helps you get things done fast or slow, scientific or not, science, efficiency or failure. Time is very important, you need to plan in detail, up the order for your work to complete the project properly.
I always wondered:  "Experience and thinking can be improved over time, but what every programmer is indispensable is passion . "


Programming is not easy job. It will be difficult for those who are not passionate. Let's ignore the limits of time, language, ... And come to programming with your enthusiasm, the door to success is closer to you then !!!

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