Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Facebook and Google have recruited non-university employees?

This is a question of a 17-year-old boy who is currently attracting a lot of attention. He has taught himself programming since the age of 13. So far he has the desire to work at leading technology companies such as Facebook, Google ... even though he does not have a university degree.
Responding to this aspiration, many opinions as well as suggestions are given. Most prominent is the response of staff from Google with more than 10 years of work.
Dmitriy Genzel - Research Engineer on "Machine Learning" at Google since 2005:
"My dear, I certainly do not need a college degree to work in Google. I'm sure you are a very passionate programmer.
I know, but passion is not everything. Most of the engineers at Google that we know are also programmers from the age of 13, or less. You need to remember that, in addition to good programming skills, you also need to have the knowledge, the knowledge of your work - which most of your age can get when sitting in college.
Besides, she also needs skills to persuade Google's employers. They hear me say, but also need to prove strength. I do not know how many years a 17-year-old student applied for Google, but that number does not matter.
Age is not everything. I think I need something great to do for the council in the interview. And the most common way to prove that you need a college degree is from the top schools.
I'm sure that's not the only way. But the most common way that a normal programmer will do. "
According to Young Learners

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