Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Ocu-lust Rift: 6 brand new video games arranged in order to jumpstart the actual VR trend

Ocu-lust Rift: 6 brand new video games

Ocu-lust Rift: 6 brand new It’s been a slow start for the Oculus Rift . Years after Palmer Luckey piqued the interest of the tech world with his crowdfunded pitch, and just shy of a year after its consumer launch, the virtual reality pin-up device has yet to break into the mainstream.

While neither HTC with the Vive nor Oculus owners Facebook are disclosing exact sales numbers, Sony announced bullishly last month that it is approaching the million sales mark for its Playstation VR headset. Extrapolating from market factors and developer whisperings, analysts are now stating that Sony could be outselling rival Rift and Vive devices by as many as three to one . Palmer Luckey’s personal political dealings likely didn’t help the brand’s image either - especially within the inclusive, neutral environment of its Facebook overlords.

It’s of course a long-term play by Facebook and its VR rivals. For Facebook, the belief has always been that VR will be a slow burner, seeping into public consciousness slowly before eventually becoming an ubiquitous way to not only game, but to communicate within virtual It would be enough to make you hold fire on picking up an Oculus Rift headset. But if the first year of sale saw developers working with their training wheels still on, a recent showcase of the second wave of Oculus Rift titles suggests that, not only are things kicking up a gear, but that its platform will be the only destination for the most exciting gaming experiences this year.

It may sound histrionic, but the latest wave of Oculus Rift titles currently being demoed to press are among the most impressive system showcases that we’ve ever seen. If a pricey peripheral like a virtual reality headset needs “system seller” titles in the same way that a games console does, then Oculus has them lining up, waiting to pounce from the wings.

Touching makes a difference

Before discussing the games themselves, it’s worth noting that it’s the recently-released Oculus Touch controllers that are making the most revelatory changes to these experiences. We’ll spare the details by pointing you to our full review, but it can’t be underestimated what a difference these make to the Oculus package compared to the year one release - they give such an intuitive range of motion and in-game dexterity to essentially bring the learning curve of most games down to mere moments rather than lengthy tutorials

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